How do I heat my Magic Bag hot cold pack?

Instructions for hot use of  adult compresses.

To be heated and used by adults only – follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury or damages.

  1. Ensure microwave oven is completely clean and place your room temperature compress on a clean microwavable plate, place on microwave turntable. Important note: Keep your compress clean as stains due to oils or other flammable liquids may ignite during heating.
  2. Do not leave your microwave unattended during the heating process! Stop heating compress if any issues arise, as each microwave is different. Heating time may need to be adjusted due to differences in power of individual microwaves.
  3. Microwave compress for 30-second intervals and test compress against skin for 5 seconds to ensure temperature is comfortable. Shake contents to distribute grain and repeat cycle up to a maximum of 4 times until desired temperature is reached.
  4. Total heating time should not exceed 2 minutes (maximum heating of four (4) 30-seconds intervals).
  5. Test to ensure temperature is comfortable on skin before placing the compress on intended area.
  6. Allow 1 hour between repeated uses to allow product to cool and do not use same product more than 3 times per day. Alternate with a second compress if necessary.

Instructions for hot use of Warmy’s compresses for kids

  1. Product should not be used on children below 3 years of age. Use on children should always be under adult supervision.
  2. Product is made of natural fibers and grains which can overheat and catch fire causing damage to property and injury. Do not use on skin with oils, therapeutic creams, or ointments.
  3. Do not place compress on furniture or under blankets as it may overheat and damage property.
  4. Do not use if you have any degree of insensitivity to pain or temperature. People with health problems should consult their doctor before use. Stop using the compress if you have an allergic reaction.
  5. Never apply this compress to an infant, use on someone who is asleep, unconscious, disabled or otherwise unable to remove compress themselves.
  6. As a natural product, the compress will lose effectiveness with regular extended use, so it is recommended to change your Magic Bag compress after the earlier of a 100 uses or 2 years. The contents of this compress are not consumable.
  7. The contents of this compress are compostable for an eco-responsible afterlife. During storage, keep the compress away from sources of heat or constant high humidity. This compress is not washable – keep dry at all times. Store in cool and dry area.

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